US - Our Solidary Gaze

The app emerged in early 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, created by a group of UTFPR students to address growing social needs. It connects individuals and institutions seeking assistance with those willing to provide it, forming a supportive and resourceful network.


IF Social Impact Prize (2021).

Design for a Better World Award (2021).

Secured international recognition and funding for its positive social impact.

Sustainability: the project continues to thrive, supported by students and professors.

Summary of My Role

Joined as a UX/UI designer, collaborating with experienced professors and another designer.

Contributed to both the MVP and Version 2, taking part in: research and user persona creation; user flows, wireframes, and sitemaps. Designing interfaces, usability tests, UI Kits, and illustrations.

Process & Features

Development Process:

Created and refined the MVP wireframes and interface.

Developed a user flow diagram for Version 2 to improve functionality.

Updated the visual identity to enhance the user experience.


Matchmaking between users needing help and volunteers/institutions.

Intuitive user experience with streamlined navigation and accessibility.


MVP screens

Flowchart for version 2


Version 2:


Facilitated direct connections, offering practical and timely aid during the pandemic.

Demonstrated the power of collaborative design to address real-world challenges.


Impacted people


Downloads made


Registered institutions